Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's, "Committments and or Corrections."

I really dislike the word resolution, possibly because I am so bad at keeping them. I have decided, "Committments and or Corrections," better fits what I want to do. I can commit to doing something for a while, probably not a whole year, and I can make little adjustments to course correct. Yes, yes, that is much more comfortable for me to use those words. Heaven know one shouldn't be uncomfortable in making change.

So with that said, I am committing to
1. Work for 1 hour a day on the house
2. Read one book a month
3. Watch less T.V.

Here are my course corrections
1. Read the Scriptures/Pray more reguarly
2. Listen to my children more
3. Take my husband's suggestions/concerns more seriously

So there it is. Maybe I have a chance at sticking to these a little better. Happy New Year. May this year and all that follow provide each of us with the opportunity committ and correct ourselves more exactly to the teachings and example of the Savior.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Well, you're good. I don't even have any course corrections I care to identify. Right now I guess I just care about not being pregnant anymore - after that, maybe I'll follow your example :o) But you're right - yours sound more realistic than most resolutions do.