Friday, August 28, 2009

School is starting

Well school is just around the corner. Madelyn is going to be in 5th grade and Spencer will be in 1st grade. Today I did something that reconfirmed in my mind that Madelyn is growing up. I let her ride her scooter down to the school to see who her teacher would be this year. Today was the day that the lists came out. I was feel really tired so I thought about it and decided Madelyn was big enough to ride there on her own. Oh My Gosh! Either I am getting more slack in my rules or she is getting older. I think the last.

Well I purchased all the supplies for the kids last week so we are set to go there. The clothes things...well we will be fine for starting school. I probably need to get each of them a few more pairs of shorts and shirts but, I will keep watching for sales. I absolutely refuse to purchase jeans in August. It goes agains all of my principles. I will wait for a month or two until all of these jeans are on clearance. Plus, it is just too hot to think about pants right now.

The kids got new lunch boxes. Madelyn picked out a Hello Kitty lunch box and Spencer picked out a Star Wars the Clone Wars lunch box. I usually get the kids new backpacks for the start of school but Spencer got a new backpack near the end of school last year because his other one wore out. Madelyn as well. I spent a lot of money on Madelyn's 2nd backpack because she is very hard on her backpacks and I wanted a really good quality one for her. No new backpacks for either of them this year. I am a little sad about that because a traditional first day of school picture is of the new backpack.

Teachers. Madelyn got Mr. Watanabe as a teacher and Spencer got Mrs. Connally. Madelyn had Mrs. Connally for first grade too.

So there it is. School is starting Monday the 31st of August. I can not ever remember school starting this early.

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