Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm going on an Overton Hunt

Have you ever wondered how Michelle's mind works? It's ok if you haven't. Not many people do. Just a bit of insite for you all though. As I was trying to decide what to title this entry, the preschool song, "Were going on a bear hunt," popped into my mind. Thus...I got my title for the entry. Now everytime I see this entry I will be singing (in my mind of course) the title of the entry to the tune of Were going on a bear hunt.

Ok, you may be saying, but get to the point already!

Well here it is. I was trying to look up the website address for my Sister-in-law, Christina Overton's blog because I have never added it to the "People we love" blog site on the right side of this page. Feeling remiss, I attempted to google the blog to find it to get the exact address. (Close enough is good enough doesn't apply for blog addresses). When I typed in, "The Overtons of Overton Blog," I got back tons of people who have the last name of Overton who have blogs. There are soooooo many. I thought it might be interesting to do a survey of some and see what others out there are doing with the name Overton. It is a curious thing isn't it? I will let you know if I come across anything interesting. Although truthfully that is like saying , "Michelle, go into a book store and let me know if you find anything you like." I love books. I also really enjoy getting to know people. It all feels a bit stocker-ish though. Someone they don't know will be reading their blog. Tis the risk we run when we put a blog out into cyber space isn't it?

Curious about people who have your last name? You do your own experiment and let me know what you come up with.

Happy Reading!

(Long Live the Written Word)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for reading up on me - kind of weird to find myself the subject of a hunt.

I obviously know some overtons - are you after ones on the net in general, or with blog sites?

Let me know - I might do some hunting myself!
